Dumped by my husband of 25 years because I 'looked old'…



I Discovered There’s A Chemical Your Body Already Makes Naturally To Keep It Young.

Yep! You have a whole 
anti-aging system in your body 
that works best while you’re sleeping. 

And I’ll tell you how. No secrets. It’s too simple.
My ex-husband's jaw hit the floor when he saw me...

There’s A Chemical Your Body Already Makes Naturally To Keep It Young.

Yep! You have a whole 
anti-aging system in your body that works best while you’re sleeping. 

And I’ll tell you how. No secrets. It’s too simple.

What they’ve told you about aging is FALSE. 

You don’t just HAVE to start looking bad when you begin to get older. 

I bet you didn’t know...if you provide the right kind of nutrition to your anti-aging system, you’ll have people thinking you’re 10, 15, or even 20 years younger than you actually are! 

(This is a “secret” older women DESERVE to know! Because society tells us that getting older is a flat-out nightmare.)
And it can be - if you don’t know that you have a whole SYSTEM dedicated to keeping you looking young and healthy for as long as possible. 

No one ever talks about this, but it’s 100% true.

And right now, while you’re reading this, your internal “anti-aging system” is probably broken.

I know mine was…

But don’t worry. 

You can fix it. And once you do, how you look will be the least of your concerns.

my husband dumped me for a younger woman…

I just knew something was up.  He was acting distant, even being mean to me at times.  Taking little digs at my looks, the clothes I wore.  All he talked about was work... and the new sales rep - Sarah.

I was sure he was cheating when he started dying his hair and going to the gym 5 days a week.  He even bought one of those silly little sports cars. 

I didn't know what to do.  Should I try to catch him in the act?  Should I confront her?

More importantly - did I care?  We'd been growing apart for years.  Our kids were grown up and on their own.  Did we even NEED to stay together?? 

Then he finally told me one night after he got home late.  He admitted to the whole thing. I told him I had known all along.

But I wanted to know WHY.  Why would he throw everything away?

And what he said was worse than anything he feelings he had about the other woman.  

He told me I "looked older than my age". He told me point blank that he wasn't attracted to me anymore.
Now THAT was painful to hear. Look I knew I wasn't going to win any beauty contests. But to hear those words from the man I spent most of my life with...

And then realize he was going to run off with some cute twenty-something - while I was left all alone?

It was one of the worst moments of my life.

After the divorce, I was depressed for months. I just couldn't seem to get going. 

 But eventually I crawled out of that hole. I was raised to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

So I did, but there was just one problem...

The only problem was - MY FACE. 😔

The dating scene is designed for younger women…and when I looked at myself in the mirror, I didn’t know WHO was going to want me the way I looked.

My ex-husband had ruined any confidence I had.  I wanted to hide my face.

I felt more than just unattractive. I felt UGLY.

I was so hard on myself.

And you probably know exactly how I felt. 
I’d smile and see every line around my mouth. This made me not smile so big…which eventually had people thinking I was sad when I was really just trying to hide the wrinkles.
New hairstyles didn’t matter. I tried so many new hairstyles in an effort to take attention away from my face - and while a wonderful hairstyle is great, you still always end up thinking about the way you appear to others. 
My thoughts were CONSTANT. I felt ugly and unlovable. Have you ever felt that way too?
Makeup didn’t help. I mean, I did look a bit better with makeup, but makeup can’t fill in fine lines, creases, dimples - or give you a new face.
Even if I did get a compliment, I would just think they were being nice. . If someone called me beautiful, I absolutely didn’t believe it!
After trying as many pills, potions, and serums as I could…

…I was blown away to discover that I already have an anti-aging system inside my body

We all do.
My problem was that I had not been taking care of it very well or giving it the nutrition it needs. 
Well, that’s why I am here right now.
I want to put a stop to all the marketers preying on women our age by telling you the TRUTH. 🤷‍♀️
After trying as many pills, potions, and serums as I could…

…I was blown away to discover that I already have an anti-aging system inside my body. 

We all do.
My problem was that I had not been taking care of it very well or giving it the nutrition it needs. 
After trying as many pills, potions, and serums as I could…

…I was blown away to discover that I already have an anti-aging system inside my body. 

We all do.
My problem was that I had not been taking care of it very well or giving it the nutrition it needs. 

My name is Cat…

…and I’m a lot like you

Now I meet women my age all the time, and they ask me how I look the way I do at the age of 65.

I mean seriously. Look at me.

I am almost 70 years old, and people mistake me for someone in their 50s all the time.

And it's all thanks to this amazing discovery I'm about to show you.
Sometimes, even older men come and ask me what I’m doing to look so young…

… and that’s is strange, because our society tells men they get better as they age. 

That’s just not true with women is it? So it’s nice for a man to come and ask me how I look so young when I’m almost 70 years old. 

See…women get called all kinds of disappointing names that don’t line up with our reality.
And the terms go on and on. You know what I mean.
Men get called “Silver Fox” and all sorts of other complimentary terms. I specifically remember a few years ago when an older gentleman who dressed well went viral.

Young women were asking whose grandfather that was like they wanted to meet him. 

To add insult to injury, modeling agencies started coming after him, and to this day he earns a living being an older, “beautiful” Sr. Citizen. 

This kind of thing happens to men all the time.

But as women age, it’s harder to see the things that make us so valuable and beautiful.
I don’t know about you, but the older I got…
  • The more confident I got. I knew what I knew about life and womanhood…and nothing could shake that.
  • I knew I was wiser than I was in my 20’s and 30’s. You couldn’t PAY me to go back to those years,. Most importantly…
  • The better life got! In fact, life continues to improve as I age. And THAT is the truth - not the marketing message they keep forcing on us.

All I want is for my face and my skin to tell the real story of who I am as a woman, now.

Because this whole narrative that women who are older have miserable lives is a complete lie…and I’m sick of it! 🤦‍♀️

At this point, all I want to do is empower other women like me. So here’s the deal.
I’m just going to make it plain.

You need something that will help your skin do what it already wants to do, naturally.

And I don’t need to try any crazy sales tactics on you. 

I’m just going to give you the facts, and then leave you to make a decision for yourself. 

Because here’s what you need to know:

Aging is normal. Aging too quickly is NOT. 

And If You Take Care Of Your Anti-Aging System,
You Can Slow Down (and often reverse!) 
The Aging Process!

Don’t believe me?

Well…you know your Respiratory System?? The one that allows you to breathe and keeps your lungs healthy and working properly?

Just as there are things that you can do that are good for your lungs to keep them working well and you breathing easily…

…there are things you can do for your anti-aging system too. You can learn how to keep it healthy so you always look your age or younger!

(I bet you didn’t know that.)

Well…that’s what I want to talk to you about, today.

Because you deserve to know…

Your Anti-Aging System Controls The Way You Look

And as long as you give it what it needs, you will NEVER look any older than your actual age. And you’ll probably look younger than that.

You will know from the moment your feet hit the floor in the morning that you’re showing up the absolute best you can each day.

In fact…you’ll probably start to catch people staring at you while you’re speaking. They will be scrambling to figure out what you’re doing to look younger.
No more looking gaunt and saggy. No more extra dry skin that no lotion can help. 

People will be AMAZED.

In fact…this still happens to me to this day.

Everyone wants to know what I am doing. 

Well…all I’m doing is using a special cream every day…a cream that provides the right kind of nutrition to my anti-aging system.
(And just in case you think a cream isn’t that big of a deal…anything you put on your skin ends up in your bloodstream…which means your entire body will benefit if you start doing what I’m doing.)

I am living proof that 
women can blossom at any age.

It doesn’t matter if you’re 22 or 72…there’s no such thing as “lucky genes.” 

The women who seem lucky are either nourishing their anti-aging system on purpose, or they are doing it accidentally as a normal part of their daily routine. 

But still…most of us think it’s all in the genes. 

We think some women are just “lucky.” 

I need to hammer this home. 

They are not lucky. There’s actually no such thing. 

If you are looking older than your age, it’s because your anti-aging system has begun to fall apart.

It’s not being properly nourished. And THAT is when we start to look older.

Think about the systems in your body…

You have a digestive system to process the food you eat. 
Our cardiovascular system moves nutrients, chemicals, and hormones through the blood where they are needed most.
Our lymphatic system cleans our bodies of sickness and disease.
And then, our anti-aging system keeps inflammation in check and keeps you looking young for as long as possible. It’s why some women seem like they don’t age. 

They are taking good care of their anti-aging system. 

Your Anti-Aging System Is 
Made Up Of TWO Systems

System 1 is your endocannabinoid system. It handles inflammation and healing.

And System # 2 is your integumentary system. This is your hair, certain bones, skin, and nails.

When these two systems work together like they are supposed to…it’s like an eternal fountain of youth lives inside of you.

And when you finally restore your body’s natural anti-aging system,

  • It’ll be easier to lose weight - if you’ve had trouble.
  • Your moods will stay balanced each day.
  • Your skin will look more supple - not crepey or creepy. 
  • Your boobs won’t have as many crazy lines and wrinkles. They will appear firm to the eye - which is what matters. Because you want to LOOK good
  • Most importantly, fine lines will lose their vise grip on your skin. 
  • You’ll watch yourself toning up…getting more gorgeous skin.
  • And people may begin to ask you out on dates.
  • People will CERTAINLY ask you what you’re doing to look so young.
  • You will feel happier and more confident in the skin you’re in…
…and maybe the most important thing: You will finally start to remember that you are enough.

You are worthy of love, you are beautiful, and you deserve the best that life has to offer.

Well…After The Divorce Was Over 
And I Started Dating Again…

…I was an absolute fountain of negativity. 

No one could even compliment me on my good days - which were rare; I didn’t believe I was attractive at all!
And on top of that, I just didn’t feel great about myself.

From head to toe, I felt OLD and UGLY. Have you ever felt like that?

And after messing up my monthly budget with three face creams too many, I decided enough was enough.

I was going to figure out how to restore my beauty so I could look the way I felt inside. 

Enter my accidental discovery of our anti-aging system.
The wrinkles on your skin are a symptom that something is going wrong in your body.

And if you’re having a hard time with your weight, energy, or moods…that’s another clear sign that your body feels like it’s out of control and is aging too quickly.

You’ve probably gotten all kinds of advice to to fix the problem.

…but NONE of the advice addresses what’s happening inside your body at the cellular level as you get older.
Here’s the one thing you need to do.

You Need To Stop The 
Inflammation That Causes Aging

Another word for this is inflammaging.
Years ago, a famous anti-aging researcher named Dr. Claudio Franceschi discovered an important link between inflammation and early aging.

Aging in general creates more inflammation in the body…but there is a point where it can get out of hand.

So let’s deal with the basics, first. 
Inflammation is defined “a succession of changes which occurs in a living tissue when it is injured - provided that the injury is not of such a degree as to at once destroy its structure and vitality.”
In other words, inflammation is when your tissues are damaged (but not dead) at the cellular level. 

Those tissues are in the process of dying. THAT is inflammation…

…and it can make you look old. Fast. 

So obviously, stopping or slowing the inflammation is key to resetting your body and giving yourself a youthful, vital appearance again. 

The longer you hold onto inflammation, the worse it’s going to get.

You should feel afraid. 

If you don’t check inflammation in your body, now…
  • Your wrinkles are gonna deepen… and if you don’t like the wrinkles now, you’re going to HATE them in a month or so. Sorry…but you know this is true. :(
  • You’ll continue feeling a low level of anxiety every day… and for some, it turns into full-blown panic attacks that are hard to handle. You know how it feels when you want to go out and look your best, but you already feel like you look your worst? That anxiety? It’s not going to get better unless you change something. And most importantly…
  • You’ll keep going around, unaware that YOU are enough. You’re worthy of love. You’re already beautiful, valuable, and important.
All you need is the right nutrition to your anti-aging system so you can stop the inflammation that’s contributing to early aging.

So What’s The Best Way To 
Stop (and reverse) Early Aging And 
Inflammation In Your Body?

The best way is to activate your endocannabinoid system.

And that can easily be done with full spectrum hemp extract. Now…keep in mind that hemp is the non-psychoactive part of the hemp plant. So it won’t get you high when you use it.

Thankfully, it’s completely legal…so you won’t go to jail for having it. 🤣

I found this out after spending a day at the mall with some friends. On my way out, I saw some hemp oil being sold at one of those solo vendors you walk by in the middle of the mall.

I bought a bottle and took it home - having remembered some of my research. 

I started using it…and you can see what the results were. They’ve lasted for years…and they will continue to last until I stop using it.
See…when you use hemp oil, it destroys inflammation throughout your body and specifically in your anti-aging system. It nourishes the endocannabinoid system (more on that in a moment!).
And it calms your skin, making it more gorgeous to look at - smoothing fine lines and wrinkles from head to toe.

I experienced these effects, personally. And people could tell something good was happening with me.

As you’ve probably already heard, inflammation is the new smoking.

And in fact, inflammation ages you faster than anything else.
That’s why many researchers, scientists, and physicians call inflammation-related aging inflammaging.

That is what was happening to me before using hemp oil!
THAT is what was happening to me before using hemp oil
  • Inflammaging causes plaque to form in heart vessels as a reaction to it…
  • It can show up as joint pain and other forms of physical discomfort as you get older.
  • And it causes most of the visible signs of aging, like wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots.
  • Inflammaging causes plaque to form in heart vessels as a reaction to it…
  • It can show up as joint pain and other forms of physical discomfort as you get older.
  • And it causes most of the visible signs of aging, like wrinkles, sagging skin and age spots.
Now…of course, you can’t see the damage inflammation is doing INSIDE your body. 

But you can certainly see it on the OUTSIDE. 

Inflamed skin wrinkles more easily because inflammation breaks down collagen and
elastin - and those keep your skin looking young.

Even “sun damage” is a form of inflammation because the UV rays “wake up” your skin’s inflammatory response.


Hemp is a super-powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant…

…which means it fights the free radicals of oxygen that make our skin look older than it should.

All by itself, hemp oil can:
Reduce wrinkles and age lines: by reducing the inflammation that destroys collagen and elastin in your skin. 

Collagen and elastin give your skin that baby-bottom smoothness you had when you were younger.
Soothe damaged skin: UV rays from the sun cause most of the damage to our skin. This damage can look like age spots, leathery skin, and wrinkles. 

When you repair that damaged skin with hemp, these skin conditions often improve or disappear entirely.
Heal sensitive and inflamed skin: If you’ve ever struggled with acne, rosacea, psoriasis, or eczema, you know how ugly inflamed skin can be. 

Hemp has been shown to help all of these conditions, and without harsh pharmaceuticals that create more symptoms.
It almost sounds like this stuff is a miracle oil…but it’s not. 

Your body actually makes something really close to hemp oil.

Yes…it makes a nutrient that can be used by your endocannabinoid system

You see - cannabinoids regulate your mood and your sleep.
  • They reduce inflammation.  
  • They help your mind relax so you can rest well. 
  • And these same cannabinoids protect and restore the skin through your integumentary system, which I mentioned earlier as being the system for our hair, skin, and nails.
Now, when your integumentary and endocannabinoid systems work together, they make up your anti-aging system. Together, they keep your skin looking young, clear and healthy. 
Unfortunately, like with everything, your ability to make cannabinoids decreases as you get older.

Because of this, we have to supplement cannabinoids in our bodies - just like we have to supplement vitamins in our diet because we don’t get complete nutrition from our soil anymore.

No wonder people have been using hemp products with hemp on their skin for thousands of years!
All of this is what Dr. Cladio Franceschi discovered about early aging and our 
anti-aging system. 
He re-discovered what ancient Egyptians already knew…which is that Cannabis has medicinal properties that go beyond what modern medical science has uncovered so far. 

In fact The Ebers Papyrus was written roughly around 1550 BC. The Papyrus is one of the oldest, most complete medical textbooks ever found. 

It discusses ways to use hemp to relieve inflammation, pain, disease, and injury. And women in particular in Ancient Egypt used cannabis to fight depression, anxiety, and other mental issues.
Dr Franceschi studied this ancient remedy. And it really works. 

I know because…as I continued to use the hemp oil on my skin, I kept getting more and more compliments.
Other women kept asking me for help, too. 

(That’s why I knew I had to do something.)

I decided to go all in, tell others what I was doing, and find a way to get this anti-aging solution into the hands of as many women as possible.

As far as I am concerned, now is as good a time as any to go back to the old ways. 
Because it’s not aging that makes us look and feel so old.

It’s inflammaging!

And it’s time to stop it from wreaking havoc on our lives...because getting older is actually wonderful.
Aging early because of inflammation is our real enemy.
That’s why I created Blossom Skincare and…

The Blossom 
Nighttime Ageless Serum…

The Blossom Nighttime Ageless Serum is the anti-aging 
product you’ve been searching for.
As it turns out, I had a life-changing idea.

After using the hemp oil from the mall for a while, I said to myself,
"Cat, you idiot!  You WORK for a company that makes supplements!  Why don't you try to convince THEM to make a hemp face cream!"

I kinda laughed it off. 

But I couldn’t stop thinking about it. So Monday morning I went in…
…and talked to the partners at the company I work at.

This company makes all types of nutritional supplements and things that help people transform their health.

Considering that I wanted to transform the way women look and feel about ourselves as we get older, it was a perfect fit.

Couldn’t hurt to ask, right?? ,
And I’d love to send you 3 free bottles of my new formula. 😉
I’ll tell you more on that in a moment…
After all…I was experiencing first-hand what this did for my confidence and my outlook on life. 
So I spoke up at our weekly meeting.

“I think we should create a hemp skin cream,” I blurted out before we had even started.

It was a little out of left field but I was nervous and I had never pitched a product idea before. 

Then I pressed on.
“Hemp has done wonders for my skin and I think we should help more people get the same results.”

“Cat,” my boss said, “I love this idea! I feel like in the last few months you have transformed yourself. I’ve seen a difference here at work.”

“After the divorce you were depressed and it showed. I felt bad for you but didn’t know how to tell you. Now your confidence is back and you just have this glow about you.”
“So many folks our age are wilting away, but you’ve blossomed.”
And those were the magic words I needed to hear to get started.

We got to work. Named the skincare brand Blossom…because that’s exactly what we’re helping to help people do - blossom when most of us are wilting.
And I believe we’re going to disrupt the entire skin care industry…because, like I said earlier…that whole “aging is miserable” thing is a LIE.

Aging is wonderful! 

And with our natural, but super effective, ingredients, you will be in LOVE!

I created Blossom for folks who want to look great but don’t want to spend a fortune doing so.

We’re helping REAL people look amazing again.  

At Blossom we’re going to transform your skin with breakthrough ingredients…
(And we won’t show you these unrealistic 20 year old ‘influencers’ in any of our ads. Because the fact is…those girls wouldn’t know a wrinkle if it bit them on the butt.)
Blossom Nighttime Ageless Serum… will help your skin look younger by working on the root cause of wrinkles and aging skin.  

It is specifically designed to put out the fire of inflammation that’s causing your skin to age prematurely… 

And then the other, additional ingredients will generate new, healthy, smooth layers of skin you love to look at and touch.

What are those other 

Well, the first one is pretty important -Retinol

So let’s talk about this one, first since it’s an ingredient most of us are already familiar with, anyway.

(Retinol is just Vitamin A, by the way. I don’t know why they don’t just call it that.)

Anyway…you’ve probably heard of it. You may not know why it’s so popular, though.

After all, it’s the best-selling skincare product on both Amazon and Sephora. Anti-aging enthusiasts LOVE Retinol.
Basically…the reason for all the love is that Retinol forces your skin to regenerate faster than usual.

It’s very restorative and works best while you are sleeping. 

In fact, while you’re resting at night, Retinol pushes new, healthier skin to the forefront so that youthfulness is the first thing people see when they look at you.

In my personal opinion, everyone should use retinol before they go to bed at night.
“Retinol sinks into your skin and speeds up cell turnover, causing your body to churn out fresher, smoother skin again,” says dermatologist Dr. Mona Gohara, associate clinical professor at Yale University Medical School.

“It essentially tricks your body into thinking it’s younger than it is, effectively creating a real-life Benjamin Button scenario.”
And in my research, I discovered something even more shocking.
Did you know there are at least 17,426 clinical studies showing that Retinol reduces fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and more?!?

The Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology recently claimed:

“Retinol is hands down the industry’s gold standard ingredient. It has the power to help accelerate skin renewal and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and age spots for firmer, smoother and more evenly-toned skin.”
Now...there are some who think that Retinol will make your skin dry out. 

But it won’t with my Blossom formula.

The hemp oil combats this.

Additionally…because of the high-quality hemp oil in the cream, you won’t worry with any potential inflammation as Retinol transforms your appearance.
These 2 ingredients alone (hemp and Retinol) combine with powerful effects - calming and renewing your skin at the same time.

Now…these two ingredients alone are enough to restore your anti-aging system and get rid of wrinkles, age spots, and saggy skin…

But you already know I wanted to create the BEST anti-aging cream in the marketplace. So I included 7 more ingredients.

I’m determined that this will be the best experience you’ve ever had with a wrinkle cream. 

The additional ingredients that boost the effectiveness of Retinol and HEMP are below…

Collagen Super-Booster Jojoba Oil: I love the way the name sounds. But I love even more how great it is at soothing skin inflammation and repairing damaged skin.

It also helps reduce wrinkles and lines by supercharging collagen production by as much as 209%.
The 'Miracle Hydrator' Provitamin B5: It is a fantastic moisturizer and hydrator that will help your skin feel 47% moister.

It acts like a sponge and will attract and hold moisture in your skin and you'll feel it in improved elasticity and softness.
Cetyl Alcohol Derived From Coconut Oil: Don't be intimidated by the name, this stuff is perfectly natural. 

It comes from coconut oil, and it helps makes Nighttime Ageless Serum silky smooth as you put it on.
Ergothioneine From Mushrooms Can Protect Your Skin's DNA: This amazing stuff actually protects your skin from oxidative and DNA damage - both leading causes of skin wrinkling and sagging!
The Ultimate Antioxidant - Vitamin E: Vitamin E comes from organic vegetable oil and is essential to repair skin damage. Dermatologists actually give it to burn victims to speed up the healing process!
Spilanthes Flower Extract Will Relax Your Facial Muscles : Did you know tight face muscles actually cause about 29% of our wrinkles? Holding certain facial expressions leads to tight muscles which then leads to wrinkles in those areas. Spilanthes flower will help relax your face and make it smoother!
Nature's Skin Mega-Rejuvenator - Vitamin C: As we age the process of regenerating new skin slows down. To speed it up we use Vitamin C.

It also recharges your natural collagen production, which will make your skin look smoother and younger.
All these ingredients BOOST and make Blossom Nighttime Ageless Serum work even better.
But I really want you to know there are documented studies showing this stuff works. I’m not just telling you something that you have to take at face value.

(All our scientific references are down below.) ;)

The Power Of Hemp

  • Hemp can help smooth wrinkles and fine lines…
  • Hemp helps repair collagen and elastin, which help keep the face smooth and young-looking. 
  • Hemp can stop inflammation and reduce fine lines and redness.
  • And it even treats acne better than many prescription medications! Yes! 
  • The Journal of Clinical Investigation found that hemp slowed the production of oil that causes acne better than two different prescription medications. 
  • It even reduces the inflammation that causes acne to spread and become irritated.
  • A study published in the Journal of Dermatological Science showed that hemp slows down the growth of the cells that cause psoriasis. 
  • And it even heals eczema on contact. Eczema is basically a severe inflammation of the skin due to allergies. Since it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, it’s logical that hemp would help clear it up.
  • Several studies found just that, with one showing 77% reduction in just a week.
And I made sure that we use pure, Colorado-grown hemp and broad spectrum hemp oil for our hemp.

That means you’ll get all the benefits of the full hemp plant, with ZERO chance of getting high.
And hemp is so powerful that putting in on your skin can help stop inflammation inside your body, too. I’ve discussed this…but I want to mention it again because it’s so powerful.

Because…after all, your skin is the largest organ. So it makes perfect sense that the inflammation markers inside your will body go down too. 

Seriously…after using Blossom Nighttime Serum, your entire body, inside and out, will thank you.
Just put it on at night before going to bed…the time when your body does most of its repairing and restoration from the day.

Wake up in the morning and gradually give yourself a newer, younger face and skin.

It’s not magic (though you’ll feel like it is). It’s just the way our bodies work.


That’s why, when we started talking to labs to make our products, I made it absolutely clear we would never, ever use these kinds of ingredients or processes - because they harm the skin, make it look and feel WORSE!

An animal testing is cruel and unneccesary.

There are…
And nothing else horrible that we ALREADY don’t want associated with our skin creams.

I’m normally a very modest person, and I rarely brag about myself.

But I have to tell you, I am proud of how our Nighttime Ageless Serum with hemp came out.

I worked REALLY hard on this.  

And it was a thrill to be able to create a product that really works for you…

And, oh boy, does it work.


(Just so you know, these testers are showing you the .5 ounce bottle, now you get 1.7 ounces in every bottle!)

Jolane Stroh, 60
My fine wrinkles are getting finer! I must say it feels very nice when I smooth it on my skin. I just turned 60 and don't want to admit it.
Sue V., 57
I love Blossom! In the picture above I don’t have any makeup on at all! And I’m 57 years old!!
My skin tone has evened out and lines and wrinkles are diminishing. My skin is so soft. I will continue to use!
Tonya, 59
I love the texture and no funky smell LOL! I use it on my face, neck and the back of my hands. I love what it’s done for the lines around my eyes and mouth!  
Lesley Inman, 47
Blossom Skincare is better than expensive spa treatments!! I can’t tolerate most of them anyway - they gave me headaches so I have been searching for years to find an alternative ! Also I feel like my skin is tighter since I’ve been using Blossom Nighttime Ageless Serum. 
Jolane Stroh, 60
My fine wrinkles are getting finer! I must say it feels very nice when I smooth it on my skin. I just turned 60 and don't want to admit it.
Sue V., 57
I love Blossom! In the picture above I don’t have any makeup on at all! And I’m 57 years old!!
My skin tone has evened out and lines and wrinkles are diminishing. My skin is so soft. I will continue to use!
Tonya, 59
I love the texture and no funky smell LOL! I use it on my face, neck and the back of my hands. I love what it’s done for the lines around my eyes and mouth!  
Andra, 60
I was amazed to start seeing fine lines dissipate after only a few days of using your product. couldn’t be happier! 
Cathay T, 73
Absolutely love everything about it. the texture, how it makes my skin feel. I can already see a difference in my skin texture and tone and looking forward to additional changes over the upcoming weeks.
Lesley Inman, 47
Blossom Skincare is better than expensive spas!! I can’t tolerate skin peels and those chemical treatments - they gave me headaches so I have been searching for years to find an alternative ! Also I feel like my skin is tighter since I’ve been using Blossom Nighttime Ageless Serum. 
Early Tester, 64
I absolutely love this product. I have used different serums on my face in the past, but this is the first time I’ve noticed a difference I can see and feel. I think I look pretty good for a 64-year-old.


(and potentially for free!)
First things first, though…I really needed this to be affordable. 

Even though our ingredients are expensive, it was important to me that women be able to try this and then tell their friends about it.

I really believe this can change the way people look at you and the way you look at yourself.
But I also know if you’re like me you don’t have unlimited funds to spend on your skin. 

So my bosses and I worked really hard to make a product that works AND is budget friendly.   

I don’t think it’s fair that rich people get to spend so much money on surgery and expensive beauty procedures.  

What about the rest of us?


We want to spend more on the ingredients and create truly life-changing skin products.  

But we didn’t want to raise the price.
That way, you will tell your friends about it, and we will come across as anti-aging industry heroes! 

We will quickly become more popular than the advertisers trying to take advantage of our fears and concerns about premature aging.

And the hope is…you’ll love it so much that you spread the word via word of mouth.

Because honestly…that’s the best way to advertise…
And when you make something this effective…something that makes you women look and feel this good, it’s inevitable that you’ll share it with your friends.

You’ll have to - because they’ll all be begging you for your secret. 
My #1 priority is to make products that help you look and feel younger for an ethical price. 
So, I won’t charge $99 for it - but if you get in on our early release…you can get Blossom Nighttime Ageless Serum for as little as 95 cents per day…


My #1 priority is to make products that help you look and feel younger for an ethical price. 
So, I won’t charge $99 for it - but if you get in on our early release…you can get Blossom Nighttime Ageless Serum for as little as 95 cents per day…
And, as I’ve said before, there’s even a way
for you to get 3 FREE bottles…

…just click below to get started:

Special Discounts Today Only
(Only 200 Bottles Available!)
Offer Ends In:



Look, I know how hard some companies make it to return stuff and get your money back.

We don’t do that, ever. 

Just email the customer service queen, Barbara, at [email protected]...

...and she’ll refund your money right away.

No hassles or return authorizations. Just a fast refund if it doesn’t work out.
And the time never runs out.

You love it or you don’t pay for it. PERIOD.

But I don’t think you’re going to need our guarantee. I know you will love Blossom Nighttime Ageless Serum.

After all…we’ve had so many incredible reviews in our early trial program…

…that I think you’ll be sending me an email with your before and after, soon. ;)

You’ll be so proud of your new look you absolutely will want to tell the world…


  • Do you want to look and feel younger? 
  • Do you want people to ask “What are you doing for your skin?” when they see you?
  • Do you want the ones you are attracted to or in love with to finally notice you again? 
  • Wouldn’t it feel great to turn some heads like you did when you were younger?
With Blossom, you can.

You deserve to feel and look your best - no matter what age you are! 

You’ve sacrificed so much in your life for others, it’s time you did something for you. You deserve great skin. 

So just go on and give yourself that gift!


Here’s what you do. It's so easy:
Just click on the big orange button below to start your order. A popup will ask for your email address, be sure to put in your best email address so we can keep you posted when we have big discounts available. 
Then choose the package you like based on how much money you want to save. There’s an option where it can cost as little as 95 cents a day!

Then you’ll be taken to our order form. 

I know there’s a lot of new stuff with technology lately, but you’ll be completely safe.  

Our tech guys make sure it’s 100% secure using all the latest security.  
All you’ll do is…enter your credit card information and address, press the big button, and off you go!  

Special Discounts Today Only
(Only 200 Bottles Available!)
Offer Ends In:



(these testers are using our first bottle which was half an ounce, now you get 1.7 ounces!)

Cathy T, 73
Absolutely love everything about it. the texture, how it makes my skin feel. I can already see a difference in my skin texture and tone and looking forward to additional changes over the upcoming weeks.
Andra, 60
I was amazed to start seeing fine lines dissipate after only a few days of using your product. couldn’t be happier! 
Margaret, 64
I absolutely love this product. I have used different serums on my face in the past, but this is the first time I’ve noticed a difference I can see and feel. I think I look pretty good for a 64-year-old.
Cathay T, 73
Absolutely love everything about it. the texture, how it makes my skin feel. I can already see a difference in my skin texture and tone and looking forward to additional changes over the upcoming weeks.
Andra, 60
I was amazed to start seeing fine lines dissipate after only a few days of using your product. couldn’t be happier! 
Early Tester, 64
I absolutely love this product. I have used different serums on my face in the past, but this is the first time I’ve noticed a difference I can see and feel. I think I look pretty good for a 64-year-old.
Sue V., 57
I love Blossom! In the picture above I don’t have any makeup on at all! And I’m 57 years old!!
My skin tone has evened out and lines and wrinkles are diminishing. My skin is so soft. I will continue to use!
Tonya, 59
I love the texture and no funky smell LOL! I use it on my face, neck and the back of my hands. I love what it’s done for the lines around my eyes and mouth!  
When you get your Blossom Nighttime Ageless Serum with Hemp…you should open it right away. 

Go on. 

Try it!

You will LOVE the feel and smell of it! Put some on your face. Feel the creamy goodness soak into your pores.  

You should feel a relaxation in your face in a matter of moments. It’s something you HAVE to experience! 

I know you’re looking forward to this. Trying a new skin cream is an EXPERIENCE for us.

(And while I know I’ve been speaking to us women…you can let your man try it, too. He won’t be able to get enough of it! You’ll never want to be without this serum again.) Anyway…

That “relaxation” is the feeling of hemp soothing the inflammation in your face.

And in a few days you’ll probably see a difference too. As will others…which is what you want.

In two weeks you should see a significant difference in your fine lines and wrinkles. And others should begin to notice, too…

…but that won’t happen if you delay trying it once it arrives at your home.

So try it as soon as you get it. And document your results - because they happen quickly!

And if you ever have any questions, just email me at my personal email address…

I’ll do my level best to answer within 24 hours: [email protected]. I am a real person - just like you.

I hope you love Blossom Ageless Nighttime Serum as much as our clients and I do. 

Thanks for stopping by!
Cat Stone, 
Blossom Skincare
You might be wondering how I got my revenge on my ex-husband.

Well I ran into about him a year after I discovered this formula.  I was looking better than I had in decades and I knew it. 

We just happened to be walking into the same coffee shop and he didn't even recognize me.  I said 'Hi, John', in a very friendly voice and just went inside.  He was dumbstruck.  His mouth fell open as he tried to put together some words. 

I tell you what, that dumb look on his face is something I will NEVER forget.  That alone made all my efforts worth while.  

We actually chatted for a while and he told me Ms. Twentysomething had dumped him for a rich guy.  I tried not to chuckle, but I did kind of feel bad for him.

After the 4th time he said "He look great" with this poor puppy dog face, I excused myself and wished him good luck.  I was meeting a new fella, and didn't want him ruining my day.  

Oh - and this new fella and I are still seeing each other.  The best part?  He's 10 years younger than my ex-husband.  

Sometimes the best revenge is to live well and be happy...

(Only 200 Bottles Available!)
Offer Ends In:

© Copyright 2021 Blossom Skincare - All Right Reserved
* Results may vary, your results may be different.  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results may vary, your results may be different.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Thrive Health is a small, family-owned company based in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado.
 You can find us at 1990 Depew Street, #140690, Edgewater, CO 80214.